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Marijuana Job Best Practices

Potential Employees still need to be wary of Medical Marijuana Dispensary I’ve spent a lot of time during my blogs, medical marijuana seminar presentations and training classes preaching to the potential medical marijuana employees that they need to ensure professionalism and medical marijuana best practices at all times. I tell them how important it is […]

A Medical Marijuana Professional

Medical Marijuana is a huge industry and should be taken seriously The Medical Marijuana industry has made great strides over the last couple years in its attempt to go from an underground infrastructure to a full-fledged, State-approved, legal medical marijuana business ,especially in states where medical marijuana is legal. When the industry started out west, […]

Networking the vast MMJ network

If you are reading this blog, you most likely want to get a job in the medical marijuana industry or maybe even want to know how to open a marijuana dispensary…You have customer service and cash handling experience or you may have been a nurse or therapist working in the medical field AND you took […]

Medical Marijuana and Dispensary Training

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Training – Is it worth the registration cost to take marijuana classes to get jobs in the cannabis industry? Well that most certainly depends on you; what you know and where you previously worked. Let me break this down—if you are a candidate who has a medical marijuana job as a dispensary […]

So You Want to find Jobs in the Marijuana Industry?

So you want to find jobs in the marijuana industry? Let me set the scenario-you live in a State that is launching its medical marijuana program and you are looking to find jobs in the marijuana industry. Dispensaries are holding job fairs, collecting resumes and getting ready to narrow down their selection of final employees […]